As I need to get some decent content back, here we have some OSX key shortcuts. (useful, aye, but more of a reminder for myself)
Shortcuts With Global Scope
command-option-esc | force quit |
control-eject | show shutdown dialog |
command-option-eject | sleep now |
command-shift-Q | log out |
command-shift-option-Q | log out without confirmation |
command-control-eject | restart |
control-shift-eject | sleep displays |
command-option-control-eject | shut down |
command-tab | cycle between open applications |
command-` | *after* having pressed command-tab, it will cycle between open applications in reverse |
command-shift-tab | cycle between open applications in reverse direction |
command-` | cycle between open windows in the selected application |
command-shift-` | cycle between open windows in the selected application in reverse direction |
control-F4 | cycle between open windows in all applications |
control-shift-F4 | cycle between open windows in all applications in reverse direction |
F8 | Spaces (Leopard only) |
F9 | Exposé for all windows (Panther and newer) |
F10 | Exposé for all windows in selected application |
F11 | Exposé to reveal desktop |
F12 | Dashboard (Tiger and newer) |
control-# | Jump to a space (10.5+) |
control-arrow | Cycle through spaces (10.5+) |
command-space | activate Spotlight (Tiger) or switch between keyboard layouts (pre-Tiger systems) |
command-option-space | open a Spotlight search in a finder “Find” window |
shift-volume | Change volume without sound effect |
option-shift-volume | Fine-grained volume control (10.5+ ?) |
option-volume | Sound Preference Pane |
option-brightness | Display Preference Pane |
command-decrease-brightness | Change display mode (only on revised fn keyboard layout on Alu. keyboards, newer MBP/MBs?) |
opt-“Empty Trash” | Empty trash, including locked items, without any alerts |
command-escape | open front row (Press any F key (except F2) or Escape to exit) |
hold shift while performing action | slow down any animation (exposé, time machine, minimize, etc) |
option-drag scrollbar | smooth scrolling |